Thursday, September 23, 2010

Confidence of consumers May Be Down, but Discretionary Spending is Up

American Express commercial Insights launched today a series of Q2 2010 Spend Insights reports trends, analyzing the change in expenditure patterns across different groups, U.S. cities and consumer groups. Based on the information of actual expenditure collected between April 1 and June 30, 2010, and Insights work spend reports reveal the existence of trends in cross-section of trends in spending significant progress in various key sectors such as travel, dining and entertainment, and luxury retail in the second quarter of 2010 versus the second quarter of 2009. The four reports are:
- Q2 2010 Spend Trends Report: Regional
- Q2 2010 Spend Trends Report: Travel
- Q2 2010 Spend Trends Report: Retail Luxury
- Q2 2010 Spend Trends Report: Dining & Entertainment
A snapshot to the actual consumer and business spending
Business Spend Insights and trends reports provide a snapshot of capabilities to in-depth analytical group on
consumer spending in the United States and businessmen in different sectors, which serve large companies and major economies. In determining spending patterns of the specific demographics, companies can see how the impact of emerging trends may work. Was also analyzed small and large business spending in some reports, and sheds light on how companies have affected the spending by the recession and recovery period so far. Provide all-the-shelf highly customized reports of consumer spending, which was established American Express business visions and trends of quarterly expenditure series to be a sample of data that can provide companies and marketers because they are looking for opportunities to help grow their business and target customers better.
Highlights of the data: Data exhibition industry, regional expenditure surprises
Report of the Luxury Retail:
Despite the threat of double-dip recession, luxury retailers had good news for the second quarter. According to the American Express Q2 Insights Business 2010 Spend Trends Report: Retail luxury retail group, increase spending by at least 9% in all the luxury Analysis: Furniture and home furnishings, apparel and accessories, jewelry shops, and. The implementation of the Home Furnishings stronger – despite the weak market Housing – which indicates that the owners of houses that focus on interior design and even improve their current
real estate market.
Dining and entertainment report:
In Q2 2010 Spend Trends Report: Restaurants and entertainment centers, American Express Business insights reveal that consumers ultra-rich, increased spending on the national level in fast-food restaurants, up 24% compared with an increase of 12% of the group in spending on food is good. Compared with the increased spending in the smallest of the other categories, it is interesting for the manufacture of food and beverages in restaurants note that the lower cost has attracted the attention of consumers in this group in particular.
Travel Report:
The travel sector showed surprising there are some trends, with the aviation industry is experiencing a transformation in the classification of extreme ticket preferred. And Q2 2010 Spend Trends Report: Travel shows that the
air travel business class saw a general increase 63% in spending by consumers in the United States, with the extremist group’s wealthiest 114 spend more on the front of the plane during the second quarter of 2010, during the year earlier. Spent on first class tickets did not see any increase in year-on-year. Airlines may consider how the impact of this major shift in preference for the President and we are in holiday season travel.
Regional report:
And Q2 2010 Trends Report Spend: The data revealed that there have been many regional cities, annual spending increases during the second quarter for in a wide range of categories, such as lodging, airlines, travel, fine clothing, and household appliances and furniture. Most notably, the increase in the city of San Francisco to spend a whole year by 36% in all groups, higher than Chicago and Los Angeles and Miami. New York City registered a slight decline in public expenditure in -3%, local companies may want to think of innovative ways to reach customers in order to increase spending.
“Actual use in the patterns of consumer spending, creating an opportunity to identify – and even predict – trends that might not be clear from the viewpoint of one dealer,” said Ed Jay, Senior Vice President at American Express Business Insights. “The latest trends in spend data show that consumers and companies, while holding fast to their portfolios, expense accounts, and there are some groups and regions experiencing positive growth, too, and this is an extremely valuable data for companies looking to identify areas of consumer and business money is being allocated in the economy, such as this narrow “, he added.
About American Business Insights Express
American Express Company is a global services, providing customers access to products and ideas and experiences that enrich their lives and build a successful business.
As part of the services the World Organization of the dealer at American Express, American Express Insights Business provides in-depth, and visions for implementation in consumer and business spending in the sectors of business, industry and geographic levels, and utilization of data relating to financial transactions owned by
the network of American Express nearly 90 million cards in force across more than 125 markets.
American Express Business Insights reports are produced quarterly in-depth airline, car rental,
Cruise Control, housing, restaurants, entertainment and retail luxury various groups, as well as reports of geographic specific sectors. The entire length of this industry intelligence reports available for purchase at / businessinsights.
On the Q2 2010 spend trends reports from the American Business Visions Express
To determine the change spending habits across different regions, he studied American Express Business insights United States consumer and business spending patterns in the tens of thousands of traders. And derive the data contained in the reports of transactions on the payment American Express is expected to reflect the general population in the industry, consumers and
businesses for sale. Data do not represent the performance of American Express in the sectors of industry and do not represent the behavior shown spending American Express card members in any public or private sector member of the card.

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