Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Thousands of Yemenis flee battle with al-Qaida

Thousands of people fled a village in southern Yemen, where security forces are besieging al-Qaeda militants, a security official said Monday, signaling an escalation in the government campaign supported by the United States to eradicate the local branch of the terrorist network.
Abdullah said Baouda, commander of
police in the surrounding area have moved government troops in Hawta village with tanks and armored vehicles and 90 percent of the population fled.
Fleeing from one family, “said Hawta forces bombed the village at random during the past two days to flush out militants. Forces also fired on the car population to flee from the village and close to another trouble spot, the City of Lauder, killing two civilians and wounding three others, in accordance with local government officials and medical personnel.
Hawta in Shabwa mountain in Yemen, one of the areas that al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula originated over the past year-and beyond the reach of a weak central government has little control outside the capital.
Is deeply concerned for the United States about the threat from Al-Qaeda branch in Yemen. The group has claimed responsibility for the December attempt to blow up a passenger plane heading to Detroit, and to link plot to Yemen’s cooperation with the U.S. Army in air strikes on targets of al Qaeda.
And the
sharing of U.S. intelligence, and provided financial aid and training to Yemeni forces, which generate a backlash among Yemenis who feel that their government is an ally and very closely with the United States.
Police chief is believed to be about 120 al-Qaeda operatives have taken refuge in Hawta. Three gunmen were killed and four others wounded in the fighting, said provincial governor, Ali Hassan al-Ahmadi. The officer said he was fighting terrorism.
“The blockade would be lifted only in the delivery of those elements themselves, and succeed in uprooting terrorist groups in the region,” said Ahmadi.
Deal for months, al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, Yemen’s security forces in attacks on checkpoints and other security sites.
The group said in a statement released on Monday that it had kidnapped a senior security official and demanded the release of two of its members arrested within 48 hours. Brig. Hossam Ali disappeared on August 26. He said that the group did not specify what he would do if they are not responding to the demand.
The Yemeni government has faced difficulties in controlling areas in the south under the control of the powerful tribes, and some sympathetic to al Qaeda and other Islamist militants roam the region.
Yemen is the poorest country in the Arab world that suffer from other major threats to internal security – on and off a rebellion in the north and a separatist movement in the South separate.
In the capital, drew four al Qaeda
suspects, including a young Yemeni German on trial Monday on charges of planning attacks on tourists, and international institutions and security forces.
An official at the court 16 years) with dual nationality, Rami Hans Harman, denied the charges and told the court that the authorities extracted false confessions him while he was blindfolded.
He was also charged four men with the establishment of training camps and the formation of terrorist cells in the Marib province in the south.
The official spoke in court on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the press.
The United States pledged 150 million dollars in military aid to Yemen this year, helicopters, aircraft and other equipment to fight al Qaeda. Recently, U.S. officials said they are looking at the use of armed Predator drones to hunt and kill al Qaeda leaders are operating from safe havens in areas not controlled by the government in Yemen, if the country’s leaders to do so.
Adviser, visited President Barack Obama to combat terrorism, John Brennan, Yemen on Monday for talks with President Ali Abdullah Saleh and other senior officials. The U.S.
embassy said he had handed a letter to President Obama.
In that, said Obama’s favor that the United States is committed to supporting the Yemeni people, who he said could do more than just “to overcome the threats that face – they can build a future of peace and the greatest opportunity for their children.”

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