Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Lady Gaga gathers gay rights supporters

The Portland (Maine) (AFP) – Pop excitement Lady Gaga Monday organized a big demonstration against the United States imposed a ban on gays serving openly in the military, and the targeting of members of the Senate moderates who votes necessary to end the policy.
Openly bisexual singer – and a symbol in the gay community – members urged the Senate to vote to repeal the “Do not Ask, Do not Tell,” a rule requiring that military personnel gay to hide their sexual orientation or face expulsion.
Was to appear at 4:00 pm (2000 GMT) in a park near the University of Southern Maine in Portland, Maine, home to two Republican senators who gay rights activists hope to break with their party and support ending the embargo.
“As polling day approaches less than 48 hours away, and we need everyone’s support to cancel the invitation of the Senate, and we’re bringing the service of members of gay and straight to help Portland make the case” Aubrey Sarvis, a U.S. Army veterans and an activist in the field of human like me sex.
Is scheduled to vote in the Senate on Tuesday afternoon on a bill that would lift the ban, but is expected to Arizona Sen. John McCain, Republican presidential candidate who lost to Barack Obama in 2008, to block the vote and move and called for a filibuster.
Of the two legislators from Maine, including Lady Gaga with a crowd pushing them, and Senators Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins, did not say how they will vote on this issue.
Said Kevin Kelly, a spokesman for Collins, a member of the Senate “is hesitant, they are encouraged Senator (Harry) Reid to work with Republican leaders to reach an agreement to allow for amendments to the Republican.”
A “yes” vote by at least 60 members of the Senate’s 100 Finish disruption and to allow a vote on a bill full forward.
“Senator John McCain is trying to stop, do not ask do not tell the abolition of the vote Tuesday, with SN,” wrote Lady Gaga in a letter to her fans on Twitter 6400000.
“All hands on deck,” she added. “Senate vote on Tuesday the key to this repeal DADT #. We need 60 in the Senate. Invite a member of the Senate of your now.”
And accused McCain, a veteran U.S. Navy and a strong military supporter, the Democrats in an attempt to attract liberal voters before the legislative elections in November difficult.
“I regret that the Armed Services Committee has turned into a forum for the social agenda to the left, liberal,” McCain said in the Senate, last week.
Obama has said Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff, both supported the repeal of this year, Pentagon study due at the end of 2010, would help guide new rules for military service.
McCain said he was not directly instead of ending the embargo, but does not want to cancel this law when he conducted the study.
“We need to study the effect on combat efficiency and morale by coordinate – the abolition of the age that, in fact an important issue,” he said on “Fox News Sunday.
U.S. House of Representatives in May version of the bill with a provision to repeal this controversial measure, with a vote in favor of Collins.
On Friday, Lady Gaga – whose real name is Stephanie Germanotta – issued a seven-minute video appeal to black and white members of the U.S. Senate to abolish the “Do not Ask, Do not Tell.”
With the American flag as her backdrop, Lady Gaga describes how “gay soldiers have become targets” under the rule in 1993 which saw 14,000 Americans were discharged from military service, “regardless of how honorable or method value that may be units.”
In June, Forbes included Lady Gaga – which are among the music and video clips most watched in the history of the Internet – the fourth on the list of celebrity 100 most powerful and influential in the world.

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