Thursday, September 23, 2010

uncontrollably woman bulks up

And the majority of women begin to uncontrollably “Top Story
* Sally muscles begin to grow out of control, Massagee
* Core, such as standing, walking is unbearable activities immediately
* In 2008 the National Institute of Health and approved by the disease is not diagnosed
Massagee see how Sally and her doctor to try to prevent muscle growth in all parts of his body AC360 "•" special studies, and 22:00 East tonight
(CNN) - wife and mother of five children, Sally Massagee always active lifestyle. He spent the success of business in his hometown of comprehensive peace in Hendersonville, North Carolina Convention and cars, play tennis, I love my friends.
But at the end of 40 years, all that changed. muscles begin to grow out of control is Massagee.
"Everyone assumes I spend much time around the gym, she says." One day the doctor tell how many hours you spend in the gym? "
But this is not its role in the success of Massagee in the gym was like steroids. As the muscles continue to grow, the heart of the rock on your skin, even in the beginning, causing excruciating pain. Row and play tennis one day there. And also, such as the activities per cent, soon became intolerable clean.
"You can not bend their own movies half to get there," he said.
"I can not get my ears in the room."
In 2006 in collaboration with his family and began to seek help Massagee. Duke University Medical Center is the first chapter. After two years, saw a doctor after doctor and test after test, and not one, but of Duke University to find out what can happen b
Massagee wife, friends and perplexing mystery. Duke is high on the south-east of the cracks, "he says. "And when the Duke, they do not know what is and is not, or choose one or more of the ideas is to try to guess what, the end is scary
Empty after Duke, Mayo Clinic Rochester and to apply Massagee, Minnesota. But no longer deny the diagnosis.
By slipping from his body, Massagee (53), no other place to turn. "I do not know whether the diagnosis was not completely sure I felt sorry that he felt," she says.
In 2008 I received a glimmer of hope. National Institutes of Health said a new program to take the rare undiagnosed cases. their endocrine Duke of transmission and the program is approved by the disease is diagnosed.
He said "of course, not with words, I was excited" Massagee said:. "No hope ... that is unable to know what could be wrong in this process, said friends, someone I know, if I remember, and these people can not, and if I do not think it was expected, and this. "
After working for the UDF, Massagee have to wait long, the nerve was destroyed.
Finally, in May last year is an invitation to be resolved is expected to receive - the secret.
For her, for devices used to attack abnormal proteins, skeletal muscle, and this attack.
puzzle-solving and Massagee Although the story yet.
I will stay alive, he hopes his diagnosis. This means that the chapters affected his life is no guarantee how the rigors of a new edge.
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