Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Hank Williams sss

Tea party organizers, who claim lack of regulation, and firmly denied any racism. Denies any prejudice based on religion, color or creed, or sex. This applies to the lighthouse. This is not injured, stood just to the light of Jesus, and expose evil, black, Catholic, Hebrew, and most United Methodists.
Tea Party claims that people with signs of racism marches act independently - not part of the organization's management. Maybe so - but why these people feel welcome to do so in tea events? Such as tea, was formed after the Civil War Lighthouse Christian organization, a political agenda.
Agenda of  intolerance.
First beacon tone certainly anti-black. (By "N  word has no effect to try to ignore the profanity). And any person  with a dark Americans are a key target. It also provides, Klan were extended to include a hatred of Catholics and Hebrew. That is how the hatred - a sort of hatred - such as Murphy's law is extended to include all other categories of self.
Tea started innocently enough (and I tried to be generous).
Organized against the government high - make a name for their own lives. It was a very useful definition because it allows the inclusion of anything anyone does not like about the current social climate in the United States. Tea started sucking all the garbage on the roadside. He welcomed the waste generated also broader withdraw attractive - and attracted more hate-mongers.
Tea Party, denies any connection with ugliness - but does not deny the hate filled people who appear in demonstrations of their own. Fox News analysts are quick to recognize any potential audience, and some, such as Glenn Beck, and work actively to promote discord. Beck said that church members should run if their church is used Communism as "social justice". The primary radical political candidates Klan, which won the Republican Party, in fact - to the extent that even people like Karl Rove and worthless nuts invited candidates. Any person who aspires to be more opposed to Karl Rove eligible for immediate membership in the old lighthouse.
And cross-burning lamp is a light shining symbol of Jesus.
It is only through Christ that people can see the truth. Those   who disagree with the curfew in the dark cloud of evil. Each image distortion is not only used different metaphors - use the term in a literal devil. Discussion tea  do the same.
Claims to be a real vector Cross of Jesus, bright flashes of fire conviction, is a call for jihad against those who disagree. World Health Organization in this world and hope for a holy war,? Who believes they are messengers of God real? So arrogant that they think they are God's spokesmen true?
I saw these prophets of doom before - there is nothing new about the message. These self-proclaimed prophets wrap garbage in political idealism, claiming to be messengers of God, and its economic game of the masses. Economic fear is real. Threaten personal safety and security, and you can expect a fight. Threat need not be actual - just seen. tragedy  Tea Party today is that they are playing with some real and legitimate fears of safety and security. 9/11/2001, there has been a reality. The largest decrease in WWII happen. But actually like a beacon to them, and Tea Party is directly related to a real shock, with irrational prejudice. Indeed, using wire cut counter criticism from Fox News and tea was able to frighten the masses minds of people. Fear and arose from a civil war, regional economies devastated a useful tool in generating support irrational. Today, after 91, the war in Iraq, the war in Afghanistan, and economic issues of profound national - has become a political instrument of fear of political activists who have advanced only hope for power and control.

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